Congratulations, Carol Channing! You're not dead yet!
"Are you shhh-ure?"
Well, Miss Channing, if you can survive Skidoo, you're probably damn near indestructible.
We couldn't have said it better ourselves.
So, besides getting down and funky, what will you do to celebrate?
"Oh! Well, firssshht, I'm going to pick out hatshh with my dear friend, Halshhton!"
"Then, I'm going to take a roll with that marveloush Shteeve Reevesh!
He looksh sho darling in his shandalsh!"
"Then I'll trade shome fashion tipsh with my fansh! The gaysh are sho good at that!"
We think that's just swell, Miss Channing. Anything else you'd like to say?
"Raaaaaaaasssshhhhh-berries!"CAROL CHANNING
January 31, 1921
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